
What could be more fun for a child than biking through the city by himself? Renting a children’s bike in Amsterdam is possible at A-Bike. A-Bike has a cool collection of children’s bikes for active and adventurous children up to 10 years old (or for people who prefer a small bicycle). Thanks to the anti-slip pedals and the extra reflectors, the bike is extremely safe. The good quality handbrakes (front and back) make sure that your child won’t fall over when he brakes hard. You can easily adjust the height of the saddle yourself, without any tools. The children’s bike is equipped with two locks. One is attached to the bike itself (a ring lock) and the other is a separate chain lock. This means you can lock your child’s bike to your own bike. It goes without saying that there is a proper bell attached to the handlebar, so everyone can hear your child coming.

Cycling in Amsterdam with kids

What should you pay attention to when your child is biking in Amsterdam? First of all, we advise you to pay attention to the basic safety rules for biking: stay on the bicycle paths, don’t bike through a red light, and never just hit the brakes too hard without looking around you first. Aside from that, it’s smart to have your child cycle ‘on the inside,’ meaning in between the adult and the sidewalk. It’s not mandatory to wear a helmet in the Netherlands, but we always advise wearing a helmet for young